Thursday, July 17, 2008

YATA Newsletter vol. III - Call for Contributions!

Dear friends,

The YATA Board is working on the third edition of the YATA Newsletter.

Several Initiatives have taken place in the recent months, both on a national and international level.

We encourage you all to submit your reports, articles, and comments on the interesting initiatives or activities you have done or participated in.

We are also eadger to receive national or personal contributions on"Technology and Security", which is the topic of the first YATA Future Forum, which will be an excellent opportunity for YATAs to develop a comprehensive approach to international security and its developments.

How has technology impacted our current security situation? Is technology itself the threat or the solution? National YATA associations can choose to focus on any subtopic under this heading, for instance:

  • Energy Security: Can synthetic fuels and technologies help overcome the oil shortage?
  • Environmental Security: How have industrial processes impacted our climate? Can new innovations ‘engineer’ our climate?
  • Cybersecurity: How do terrorist networks use the internet for strategic communications? Are governments and militaries keeping pace?
  • Nuclear proliferation: Will new nuclear technologies introduce a new ‘arms race’?

These are just suggestions. All YATA associations can choose a topic that fits their group or region. What can your YATA do? The world is yours! Any contribution, particularly creative ones, are welcome! You might choose to organize a national position paper, a blog post, interview an expert, organize a ‘roundtable discussion’, a seminar, create a video for Youtube… it’s up to you! All contributions will be featured on the YATA Blog.

As usual, the newsletter will have space for each chapter to provide info and pictures on: articles on international politics and secuirty,events attended by members,book reviews,movie reviews Please send contribution in word format. Deadline for providing meterial is August 39th.

Best regards,

Giuseppe Belardetti
YATA President

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