Here are some photos with info:
10 years of Poland in NATO
10 years of Poland in NATO - special edition of "Polska Zbrojna" and "The Warsaw Voice"
Ten years ago when the Baltic States were not part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or the European Union a decision was made to establish the Baltic Defense College (BALTDEFCOL). In the first years BALTDEFCOL trained officers to plan and execute military operations in accordance with the principles of total defense. Now, for approximately seven years, the college trains the principles of planning NATO operations and uses scenarios consistent with NATO missions and operations, for example, they have put together a training block on combat tactics of irregular forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. The first Senior Staff Course had only 32 students from eight countries, but in 2008, 64 students from 19 countries graduated from the Joint Staff Course. At the beginning the college had only one course; now it organizes four different courses for military personnel and civilians, as well as high-level conferences and seminars. In ten years the number of graduates, military personnel and civilians, has reached 628.
BALTDEFCOL establishment and development
Although in the late nineties the Baltic States had their own military academies, a decision was made to form a joint defense college for these three countries. The idea of forming the college belonged primarily to Brigadier General Michael Clemmesen, Denmark’s military attaché in the Baltic States. He believed that the best investment in developing Baltic defense capabilities was developing personnel and training the Baltic officers in accordance with western standards and military leadership principles. Baltic States had the goal of joining NATO, but it was clear that they lacked knowledge and expertise to train NATO procedures and there were very few officers with operational experience. Michael Clemmesen actively lobbied this idea in the Baltic States and received support from Sweden to create the college. Sweden also assumed political leadership of the project. In recognition for Sweden’s support, the largest auditorium of the BALTDEFCOL is named after Björn von Sydow, Sweden’s Minister of Defense. (...)
The full article read in a military journal "Tevijas Sargs"
The goal of the campaign is to inform and educate schoolchildren and their teachers about NATO, its goals and role in Latvia’s security policy, as well about the benefits and costs of the Latvia’s membership.
The campaign started in the Eastern part of Latvia – Latgale region, where representatives of LATO, Ministry of Defence and Latvian National Armed Forces (NAF) visited 8 schools in Ilūkste, Svente, Dagda, Kaunata, Varakļāni, Rudzāti, Kārsava, Tilža. On April 14, LATO and NAF together with the ambassador of the Netherlands H.E. Mr. Jurriaan Kraak paid a visit to the Baltinana secondary school. But on April 15, the NATO Information campaign started in the North-Eastern region of Latvia – Vidzeme, where LATO team will visit schools in Valmiera, Valka, Cēsis, Alūksne region:
During each visit a special short film “Latvia in NATO – five years” shot by the State Agency of the Ministry of Defence of Latvia “Tēvijas sargs” is demonstrated; further experts from Ministry of Defence, National Armed Forces (NAF), LATO, several embassies and universities make presentations about the political and military aspects of NATO, as well as introduce the audience with the development and everyday life of Latvian NAF. Pupils and teachers are encouraged to ask questions and participate in the quiz – most active ones receive practical presents, souvenirs from LATO, NATO, the Ministry of Defence of Latvia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia. Every school library receives booklets and both printed and audiovisual information materials about NATO, NAF, security and defence policy issues.
Information campaign will continue till the middle of May, covering around 50 schools in all regions of Latvia.
The goal of the campaign is to inform and educate schoolchildren and their teachers about NATO, its goals and role in Latvia’s security policy, as well about the benefits and costs of the Latvia’s membership.
During the each visit a special short film “Latvia in NATO – five years” shot by the State Agency of the Ministry of Defence of Latvia “Tēvijas sargs” is demonstrated; further experts from Ministry of Defence, National Armed Forces (NAF), LATO, several embassies and universities make presentations about the political and military aspects of NATO, as well as introduce audience with the development and everyday life of National Armed Forces and civil guards. Pupils and teachers are encouraged to ask questions and participate in the quiz – most active ones receive practical presents, souvenirs from LATO, NATO, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In each school also booklets and both printed and audiovisual information materials about NATO, NAF, security and defence policy issues are distributed.
Information campaign will continue till the middle of May and after the Latgale region, LATO team will visit further schools in Vidzeme, Zemgale, Kurzeme and Riga region.
The simulation game was the second and final round of a competition where 18-26 years old students and active youngsters in the teams of two had to write an essay „NATO 60 years experience – quo vadis?” and analyse the political and military aspects of NATO (NATO partnerships, further enlargement, NATO military role – Article 5 and out-of-area operations), as well as in their context – to evaluate Latvia’s experience as a NATO member.
The goal of the competition was to assess and enhance the knowledge and interest among Latvia’s students about NATO and international and Latvia’s security issues, thus encouraging political involvement of young people, independent research work, improvement of analytical skills and erudition as well as understanding of the decision making processes.
The best 26 teams (52 youngsters) were invited to participate in the NATO summit simulation game and represent one of the NATO member countries.
During the simulation game teams had to present their “country position” and come to an agreement about the declaration which included issues like future challenges of NATO and new threats, the prospects of further enlargement, in particular look on Georgia, Ukraine, Balkan countries, involvement and contribution to the peace keeping missions, as well as further relations with Russia and importance of energy and cyber security. The debates were very intensive and tough in particular on further NATO enlargement and relations with Russia.
An evaluation commission with representatives of LATO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence and Latvian Institute of International Affairs assessed the activity, argumentation, knowledge and cooperation skills of each of the “country” and chose three best teams, which were awarded with the main prize – a trip to NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium! Another three teams who also showed great knowledge about the represented countries, NATO and security/defence issues received gift tokens of the book store “Valters un Rapa”
LATO representative in the commission Ms. Irina Ivaškina said „This was very interesting and truly unique opportunity for the youngsters to test their theoretical knowledge and use them in practice, as well as learn so much new about each of the NATO member states and the real decision making processes – how hard it is to reach a compromise and common position.” And exactly this was also the main goal of LATO and all the partners of the project.
Photos from the event are available here
Despite the rainy and chilly weather conditions, people expressed rather high interests about NATO, Latvia’s membership into NATO and Latvian NAF as well as about military equipment, exposed by the Latvian NAF including a military vehicle Humvee.
The information campaign started at 10:00 AM with the quiz on NATO and Latvian NAF, where people could try their knowledge and get valuable gifts like books, DVDs, “Laima” sweets, NATO souvenirs etc. At 1:30 PM 104 volunteers, among whom where 90 representatives of the “Jaunsardze” (“New Guard”) movement, made a massive inscription “LV 5 NATO”, dedicated to Latvia’s 5 years in NATO. Afterwards private first class soldier Raimonds Bergmanis announced the start of a competition, where young people had to make a wall with an inscription LV 5 NATO out of 1,5 kg weight cardboard boxes. The winners of the competition were awarded with the campaign T-shirts by the President of the Republic of Latvia Valdis Zatlers, who together with the Defence Minister Imants Lieģis and other state and military officials attended the event. The campaign was finished with the performance of the orchestra of the Latvian NAF.